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Code of Conduct for Members


Code of Conduct for Members

It is accepted that all Members must always:

  • Adopt the code of conduct as the basic level of agreement between the club and members, coaches, referee/officials, parents/guardians and supporters and others who may be involved in the sport.
  • Ensure that the sport is played and conducted in accordance with disciplined and sporting behaviour .
  • Respect fellow participants, members, officials, volunteers and opponents regardless of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, religion.
  • Respect the decisions of all referees/officials, Committees and Councils.
  • Maintain, demonstrate and promote the highest standards of respect.
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude to the sport and activities.
  • Listen to coaches, referees, and officials.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person.
  • Promote and support fair play.
  • Ensure that all activities are inclusive and allow all players to participate in an enjoyable way.
  • Encourage fair play and ensure safety is paramount in sport.
  • Demonstrate appropriate good behaviour by not using foul language, and by not engaging in abusive language or deeds or by harassing anyone.
  • Show appreciation to volunteers, coaches, clubs, and officials.
  • Report breaches of the code of conduct to the appropriate person or committee.
  • Cooperate with any investigation in respect of an alleged breach of the code of conduct.


It is accepted that Members must not:

  • Shout, argue, abuse physically or verbally anyone.
  • Use violence towards anyone.
  • Use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage or isolate other participants.
  • Use unacceptable language or racial and/or sectarian or homophobic references towards a participant, an opponent, coach, official or supporter by words, deeds, or gestures.
  • Use foul language or provocative language/gestures or behaviour towards any participant, coach, referee/official or supporter.
  • Use any other forms of abuse.
  • Do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the ground of their gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, age, disability, race or religion.
  • Ridicule or scold a participant for making a mistake during the sport or competition.
  • Use social media to abuse anyone.
  • Use social media or social media apps for the distribution of offensive content, to taunt, bully or racially abuse others.
  • Use social media to implicate or undermine anyone.
  • Behave or act in any way that infringes the rules of the sport or that seeks to gain an unfair advantage.
  • Undertake any other unsporting like behaviour.

Tullamore Tennis Club Committee 2024

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